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Re: Windows XP?

** Reply to message from Judith Davidsen  on Mon, 11
Mar 2002 14:44:05 -0500

> > > Will this include a debugged SWEEP?
> >
> > I'll take another look at it. Maybe not RIGHT away, but... soon.
> Okay. The project I need it for should be over--or the worst
> part of it should be over--within the next 48 hours

Jeez, I better get on it right now then. What exactly doesn't work in SWEEP?
It's a little AWKWARD to use, as I recall [understatement], but ... it more or
less worked. Maybe it could use a complete redesign, huh?

Re: CH*, yeah it FROZE -- and it froze because of a carriage return in the
change spec. Well, it won't freeze anymore. To bandaid it now -- and just for
you and Jimmy Whale -- you can do this:

SEarch in U2 for frame {{5encode}}
Look in S/G 01 for a RED carriage return.
DeFine that one character -- just the RED carriage return, nothing else
SEarch for {{5ch*,ci*,cv*,se*}}, down in the mudflats near the end of file
Look in the red "Begin" section for a long string of red chars (in S/G 16)
CoPy (insert) the red carriage return into this string, after the red "S" and
before the red "-" dash (or minus sign, whatever)
Release DeFine
Go down about 5 lines past the red "End" label, to where it says:
DeFine the "DO FF ", and MoVe those 2 functions in front of the BX , like this:
On CMline, command "loadhelp"
You're done.

I've seen Showboat MANY MANY times, thank you. (Did you see Ian McKellan's
incredible Whale biopic, what's it called? What an actor. The last guy you'd
think would sell out to that crappy Hobbit picture.) We're talking the version
with all the original Broadway Ziegfielders, plus Queenie Smith and Hattie
McDaniel, right -- Helen Morgan as Julie? Robeson Ol' Man River! Yup yup yup.
If you like river pics, catch Night of the Hunter. An astonishing directorial
debut for Laughton. It makes me weep to think that he never made another
picture. What an intelligent actor. Plus he and Agee wrote the screenplay with
XyWrite -- just to keep on topic -- 25 years before it was invented! Amazing.
Two days ago I saw (again) the rushes from von Sternberg's unfinished I, Claudius
from 1937 -- Laughton as Claudius. Oh oh oh.

Robert Holmgren