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Re: Sig vs. Xy4

-> I'm also still using XyWrite III+. I've built quite a few
-> lengthy macros (some up to 8k long), and find them incredibly
-> powerful and useful. Is there a newer version of Xysomething
-> that will allow me to continue using them (without too much
-> conversion)?  --Paul Thornett

The question of XyIII+ vs. Sig|Xy4 vs. Xy4|XyWin is near and dear to
me. To state my bias up front, it's that: III+ was wonderful (belongs
in a 1980's time capsule), Sig awful (pig-slow), and Xy4 much better
than either. XyWin I regard as a deeply-flawed. Its best feature is
fast WYSIWYG editing; for the rest, you're better off in DOS.

In terms of features, Xy4 stands head & shoulders over III+. Read the
manuals: Much-expanded editing, file-handling and DOS-interface
command sets. Better printer control. A slew of new and useful system
VAriables and default settings. A vastly improved Help file system,
with optional menu interface. A more capable, user-friendly XPL.
Overall, it's a *lot* more customizable than III+ (if you can believe
that!); as a result, it's easily made to emulate -- virtually replicate
-- the look, feel, operation & speed of III+.

Harry's right that most III+ XPL will work as-is in 4. The trade-off
is speed. Some III+ code, especially procedures that persistently
blank and refresh the command line, are slower in 4, whereas the
analogous v4 statements will run faster than their III+ counterparts.
If you do nothing else, translate all BC commandXC statements into
BX commandQ2; that alone will make a palpable difference. And don't be
afraid to turn error suppression ON -- BX (es 1) -- and to freeze the
display -- DX . Unlike in III+, these commands work, and work well.
These are search-and-replace operations that can be done quickly.

A full "port" to 4 is a more arduous affair, though manageable if
bitten off a piece at a time. Like Paul, I had voluminous III+ code by
the time 4 arrived. Fortunately, I was able to use the 15-month hiatus
between Signature -- which I found unusable for real work -- and Xy4 to
learn the XPL enhancements (which were in place with Sig) and adapt my
existing routines. That gave me a running start when v4 was finally
released. The benefits in productivity and personal satisfaction made
the effort definitely worthwhile. As much as I loved III+, I would
never go back to it.

Carl Distefano * * * CLDistefano@xxxxxxxx

Carl Distefano * * * CLDistefano@xxxxxxxx