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Re: XY4 Memory Management

 > I wanted to mention that there are still memory manage- ment
 > problems with XY-4. The best place to see this is by shelling out
 > to DOS and returning. You might get away with this once, but
 > probably not several times in a row or several times in one
 > session. XY then seems to be clobbering itself in memory.


These problems go away if one runs XyWrite inside a task switcher such as Back
& Forth. In my setup, I run B&F as a virtual DOS machine within OS/2 2.11. The
system boots up with XyWrite as the active application on the WPS desktop. I've
got about a half-dozen DOS apps in B&F with three or four, including a DOS
shell, a communications program and XTree active at all times. XyWrite never
runs out of usuable memory if the OS/2 configuration switches for B&F are set
right on an 8 or 16MB unit. I can drop into a DOS or OS/2 window with one
keystroke. Cut and paste work nicely as well.

- Andy

12-Sep-94 17:49 ET