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Re: Automatic file replacement in XYwin

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Thu, 13 Oct 2005
14:58:37 -0400

> have the displayed "hits" excerpt the whole sentence the hits were
> found in, with blank lines between them

Command: HELP CITE

You can adjust the *default* amount of contextual material displayed (the
factory value is 67 chars, roughly split between fore and aft) via a setting in
the REGfile, and you can also make ad hoc on-the-fly adjustments via the
command line, e.g.
 CITEA /120,Howard Roark
for a case-sensitive report (citeA, cf. seA, chA) with 120 chars. In other
words, the report displays:

 <....60chars....>Howard Roark<....60chars....>

Believe me, displaying a fixed amount of contextual material produces a more
informative result *overall* than displaying the current sentence (which can be
very short or ridiculously long, and looks terrible -- that was my starting
point, and I dumped it posthaste).

Robert Holmgren