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Re: keycode program

Robert Holmgren wrote:

> It has nothing to do with XP. It has everything to do with having your NumLock
> on. Turn it off. Look, every shifting key produces a unique scan code "layer"
> value (cf. the msg I cited earlier from 1998). The layer for NumLock is 32768
> (which is, not so coincidentally, 2^15). I can see from your results above
> that Alt key is 2^10=1024, Ctrl is 2^11=2048, Shift is 2^9=512 -- the layer
> differs from installation to installation, depending upon the order in which
> shifting keys are listed in the "DEFINITIONS" stanza of your KBD file. When
> you hit combinations of keys, you add up the layer values, plus the key code.
> When you, David, say you're hitting Escape, you're *really* hitting
> Numlock-Escape, so the scan code is 32768+1=32769.

Robert, I have to say this: for many years, I have been regularly boggled by the breadth
& depth of your expertise; the quick, laser-like targeting of various issues and likely
solutions. (I hope this doesn't mean I boggle much too easily ! Anyway, there are plenty
of far stronger examples than this particular post.)

And Patricia, you're no slouch, either. I feel like I'm getting some useful remedial
education in the finer grammatical points.

Quite some little group we have here.
