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Re: loading from icon in xp and xylist.

Avrom Fischer wrote:
Your suggestion about using alt enter to switch to full screen worked perfectly.
Well, thanks be. That means we do not have any BIOS or hardware or
Windows issues to worry about. There is probably something skew-whiff
in one of your properties settings, but I don't have access to an XP box just now. Will do some investigating come Monday.)

Does anyone know why sometimes I get emails before they appear on the archives and other times I
receive emails long after they appeared in the archives.
The archives are compiled at, If I Recall Correctly, 1 a.m. each
morning, at which point I assume all posts of the previous 24 hours
are logged. But the list itself is active all the time. Posts arrive
and are sent out as they come in. Now sometimes a given post will
arrive late: it may have traveled through the Net equivalent of a
traffic jam. A typical routing would look something like this:
Avrom's PC->Avrom's MSN mail server->Outbound Intermediate Host
#1->Outbound Intermediate Host #2...->Outbound Intermediate Host
#n->UPenn Receiver Server->UPenn Send Server->Inbound Intermediate
Host #1->Inbound Intermediate Host #2...->Inbound Intermediate host
#n->Avrom's MSN Mail Server->Avrom's PC

The path to the archives would look like this:
Avrom's PC->Avrom's MSN mail server->Outbound Intermediate Host #1->Outbound Intermediate Host #2...->Outbound Intermediate Host #n->UPenn Receiver Server->UPenn Send Server->Inbound Intermediate Host #1->Inbound Intermediate Host #2...->Inbound Intermediate host #n->XyWWWEB Server->XyWWWEb Archive file.

And that last step, as I said, is only done once a day.
That is a grossly oversimplified way of putting it, I'm sure. And if there's anything flat-out wrong, I'm sure someone will correct me.

Patricia M. Godfrey