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Re: They said it couldn't be done

Aha. I see it there, and I see it in Xywwweb.inf in the Table Functions
Come the revolution, all school children will be required to recite that.
BTW, would you mind explaining why R0 - R9 sometimes puts out three-byte characters and sometimes not? E.g., If you do ctrl-alt 32, releasing the shift keys only after the second digit, of course, you get a three-byte code: FF 32 30 (which represents 20 hex, which designates "Device Control 4" (?)--and which looks, in Xy's screen representation--like a quote mark. Okay, makes sense. But if I try the surrounding numbers, ctrl-alt 31 and ctrl-alt 33, I get no FF. Here's a table of what I think it means:
ctrl-alt entry: output:: output as decimal:  Ascii "meaning":  screen
  31        33 31      3,1          unit
separator      inverted triangle
  32     FF 32
30      3,0          DC4             inverted
  33        21        33           !
I'm sure this is all covered in CTRLCHR.TXT, which I am re-reading, but
it's LONG. My basic question is: why does ctrl-alt entry (calling R0 - R9)
sometimes put out three bytes (as with R3R2), sometimes two bytes (R3R1),
and sometimes one byte (R3R3)?


> There's a Q8?! You can't believe the hours I've put in on
> this, and now, an undocumented Q8 appears...
It's not undocumented, I don't believe. There's an old Type C Help frame that lists and describes the Xy4 functions. I haven't the foggiest recollection where I got it from, but I'm pretty sure it's source XyQuest (or TTG), although it was not included, as far as I know, in the big XY4.HLP file.

Anyway, here it is:
#1: Move the cursor to window no. 1.
#2: Move the cursor to window no. 2.
#3: Move the cursor to window no. 3.
#4: Move the cursor to window no. 4.
#5: Move the cursor to window no. 5.
#6: Move the cursor to window no. 6.
#7: Move the cursor to window no. 7.
#8: Move the cursor to window no. 8.
#9: Move the cursor to window no. 9.
$0: Call the help frame with keyword $0.
$9: Call the help frame with keyword $9.
$A: Call the help frame with keyword $A.
$Z: Call the help frame with keyword $Z.
@0: Insert contents of Macro Key 0 or run program assigned to Macro Key 0.
&0: Run program assigned with LDPM filename,&0.
AC: Turn Auto-Check on and off.
AD: Add selected text to the end of text assigned to the specified macro key.
AK: Accelerator: Move to a specific item in action bar or dialog box.
AR: Execute Expand Abbreviation.
AZ: Turn Auto-Replace on and off.
AS: Move cursor between the two windows last displayed.
B4: Display the dialog box previous to the last one displayed.
BC: Clear command line and move cursor to start of command line.
BD: Delete the previous character.
BF: Move cursor to the bottom of the file.
BK: Stop command currently in progress; stop user program that is running.
BS: Move cursor to bottom of screen.
BT: Toggle window borders on and off.
BX: Execute a command without putting the command on the command line.
C0: Counter 0
C9: Counter 9
CB: Move through windows in the reverse order in which they were opened.
CC: Toggle cursor between the command line and text.
CD: Move cursor down one line.
CF: Column Func (1=Ins before; 2=Ins after; 3=Del; 4=Sel column; 5=Sel table).
CH: Delete the text on the command line without moving the cursor.
CI: Switch to Overstrike mode (from Insert).
CL: Move cursor left one space; wrap to previous line.
CM: Toggle between draft and expanded views.
CN: Turn off the Numeric Lock.
CO: Insert a comma into the text. Used in keyboard file in place of the (,)
CP: Copy the currently selected block of text to the cursor position.
CR: Move cursor right one character; wrap to next line.
CS: Turn off Scroll Lock(Program mode)
CU: Move cursor up one line.
DB: Move cursor to the beginning of the selected block.
DC: Begin selecting a column of text.
DD: End selecting block and delete block. If no selection, delete character.
DE: Move cursor to the end of the selected block.
DF: Begin or end selecting a block of any size.
DL: Select the line of text the cursor is on.
DM: Extend (or shrink) a block of selected text to the cursor position.
DN: Delete selected text without saving it on the delete stack.
DO: Turn on the display (complement of DX).
DP: Select the paragraph the cursor is on.
DS: Select the sentence the cursor is on.
DT: Insert accumulated sum into the text at the cursor position.
DW: Select the word the cursor is on.
DX: Freeze the display (complement of DO).
DZ: End selecting a block if selection is in progress.
EA: Opens command window for editing text only.
EC: Move the cursor to the bottom of the current cell.
ED: Select the current row of cells in the table.
EE: Delete a row of entries in the table.
EF: Display and/or edit the contents of a command marker.
EL: Move cursor to far left of line and then to left end of previous lines.
EN: Open the next file that matches a global filename specification.
ER: Move cursor to right end of line; then to start and end of later lines.
ES: Remove dialog box, release selected text, or close a command window.
ET: Compute amount of time elapsed since the ZT function and insert in text.
EX: Quit XyWrite, return to DOS (after prompting for verification).
FC: Insert FC (Force Center) command
FD: Compare 2 files in current and previous windows - stop where no match.
FF: Force the display to refresh.
FL: Insert FL (Flush Left) command.
FM: Compare 2 files in current and previous windows - stop where files match.
FR: Insert FR (Flush Right) command.
FS: Return cursor to last misspelled word and display the spelling menu.
FX: Transpose text (1=characters; 2=words; 3 sentences; 4=paragraphs)
GH: Move cursor to the command line without clearing the command line.
GT: Move cursor to the text area.
H@: Display Help menu or context-sensitive help.
HC: Move the cursor to the top of the current entry in the table.
HF: Display Help frame with the same keyword as in the keyboard file.
HG: Display a border around the graphic area without displaying the graphic.
HL: Display help frame related to first word on command line.
HM: Move cursor to the top of the screen.
IB: Clear the XyWrite keyboard buffer.
IT: Insert a tab on the command line.
JC: If the cursor is on a command marker, move right past all command markers.
JH: Display the Help frame with specified keyword.
JM: Display dialog box or run a menu routine with the specified keyword.
KD: Close the currently displayed dialog box.
KF: Redirect the keyboard to XyWrite.
LB: Move cursor to far left of line and no farther.
LD: Move cursor directly down one line.
LE: Move cursor to far right of line and no farther.
LL: Move cursor left one character; do not wrap to previous line.
LR: Move cursor right one character; allow to move past the carriage return.
LT: Toggle suppression of display of captured redlining login information.
LU: Move cursor directly up one line.
M0: Type in mode at cursor, or make selected text match mode at cursor.
M1: Type text in normal mode, or make selected text normal.
M2: Type text in bold, or make selected text bold.
M3: Type text in underline, or make selected text underlined.
M4: Type text in reverse mode, or make selected text reverse.
M5: Type text in bold underline, or make selected text bold underlined.
M6: Type text in bold reverse mode, or make selected text bold reverse.
M7: Type text in superscript, or make selected text superscript.
M8: Type text in subscript, or make selected text subscript.
M9: Type text in italic or make selecte text italic.
MC: Select the cell at the cursor location in the table.
MD: Scroll text and cursor down one line.
MI: Switch from Overstrike to Insert until a cursor key is pressed.
MK: Toggle display of format markers and line ending markers.
MN: Use next 2 characters. CD=Cartridges, FO=Fonts, MT=Match Type, SZ=Size.
MS: Designate that a mouse is installed. Assign to key 105.
MT: Multiply (*) or divide (/) accumulated sum by the selected number.
MU: Scroll text and cursor up one line.
MV: Move the currently selected block of text to the cursor position.
MW: Microsoft Windows (func MW[xx] gives description of argument)
MWac: Cascade all text windows
MWah: Split all text windows horizontally
MWar: Tile all text windows
MWav: Split all text windows vertically
MWcb: Display contents of Windows Clipboard
MWcl: Close text window
MWcp: Copy selected text to Windows Clipboard
MWcu: Cut to Windows Clipboard
MWhh: Display help on using Help files
MWhi: Display Help Index
MWmn: Minimize XyWrite screen
MWpa: Past text from Windows Clipboard
MWmv: Display 4-headed arrow to move XyWrite screen
MWmw: Move window
MWmx: Maximize XyWrite screen
MWpa: Paste text from Windows Clipboard
MWpl: Paste link
MWpr: Display information about Windows printer driver
MWps: Paste special
MWqu: Quit
MWrm: Restore text window to maximum size
MWrs: Restore XyWrite screen to previous non-max|min size
MWrw: Restore file
MWsf: Repaint the screen
MWsl: Scroll left
MWsr: Scroll right
MWsw: Size document window
MWsz: Display 4-headed arrow to move text window
MWwf: Make current text window full screen
MWwi: Minimize text window
MX: Same as M0, but does not get inserted in programs.
MZ: Type text in bold italic, or make selected text bold italic.
NB: Designate the selected block of text as unbreakable.
NC: Move cursor to the next character.
NF: Move cursor to first line of next printed page.
NI: Prevent key from being passed to DOS. Used in some keyboard assignments.
NK: Change the state of the Numeric Lock key.
NL: Move cursor to start of next line.
NM: Hide the format markers and line ending markers.
NN: Generic Wild Card. The next character is the wild card.
NO: No operation. Used in keyboard files
NP: Move cursor to start of next paragraph.
NR: Toggle the ruler line state among ruler, line, and blank.
NS: Move cursor to start of next sentence.
NT: Move cursor to the next tab without inserting a tab.
NU: Delete selected text without saving it for possible later undelete.
NW: Move cursor to start of next word.
NX: Move cursor successively through all open windows.
OP: Access the previously accessed Menu/Help/dialog frame.
PC: Move cursor to the previous character.
PD: Scroll down one screen.
PF: Move cursor to first line of previous printed page.
PL: Move cursor to start of previous line.
PP: Move to start of previous paragraph.
PR: Print the contents of the full screen.
PS: Move cursor to start of previous sentence.
PT: Move cursor to previous tab position.
PU: Scroll up one screen.
PW: Move cursor to start of previous word.
Q1: Spelling: ignore once
Q2: Spelling: suspend; execute the command entered with the BX function call.
Q3: Spelling: add word temporarily.
Q4: Spelling: add pair temporarily.
Q5: Spelling: add word permanently to personal dictionary.
Q6: Spelling: add pair permanently to personal dictionary.
Q7: Spelling: escape from spell-checking.
Q8: Spelling: replace questionable word with the highlighted word.
QH: Display the Menu/Help screen whose keyword precedes the cursor.
R0: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R1: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R2: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R3: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R4: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R5: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R6: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R7: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R8: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
R9: R0 to R9: Enter the character associated with the number(s).
RB: Delete the word before the word the cursor is on.
RC: Delete character under the cursor.
RD: Delete selected block of text.
RE: Delete text from cursor to the end of the line.
RK: Toggle Record Keystrokes mode on and off.
RL: Delete the line the cursor is on.
RO: Turn redlining on and off.
RP: Delete the paragraph the cursor is in.
RS: Delete the sentence the cursor is in.
RV: Preview the document that is currently displayed (same as PRINTS).
RW: Delete the word the cursor is on.
RX: Execute the last set of keystrokes you recorded.
S1: Acute Accent
S2: Grave Accent
S3: Umlaut
S4: Circumflex
S5: O Accent
S6: Tilde
S7: Underline
S+: Display the next command in the command stack.
S-: Display the previous command in the command stack.
SA: Save the currently displayed file.
SC: Turn Auto-Check on or off, depending on the argument 0=off, 1=on
SF: Store all open files in all windows.
SG: Insert text or run program from Macro Key (next letter or number typed.)
SH: Display the XyWrite action bar.
SI: Switch to Insert mode (from Overstrike).
SK: Show contents of the Macro Key indicated by next letter or number typed.
SL: Save all open files in all windows.
SM: Add the number the cursor is on to the total
SN: Select the Numeric Lock state.
SO: Check the spelling of a single word.
SP: Switch to formatted (page-line) view.
SS: Turn on Program mode.
ST: Display help for the format marker under the cursor.
SU: Subtract the number the cursor is on from the total.
SV: Save selected block of text to the Macro Key of the next character typed.
SW: Display the window menu.
SY: Display a list of synonyms for the word the cursor is on.
TB: ??
TE: Create a new row of entries in the table.
TF: Move cursor to top of the file.
TG: Toggle between expanded view and the view previously displayed.
TI: Toggle between Insert and the active Overstrike mode.
TL: Move the cursor one column to the left in the table.
TM: Move to column element (0 = next; 1 = previous; 2 = top; 3 = bottom)
TN: Toggle the state of the Numeric Lock.
TO: Toggle between Character Overstrike and Insert mode.
TP: Toggle between expanded and formatted (page-line) view.
TR: Move the cursor one column to the right in the table.
TS: Turn on Scroll Lock (may put Scroll Lock light out of synch).
TW: Switch between Insert mode and Word Overstrike mode.
UD: Restore the last text deleted, or activate the undelete stack dialog box.
UN: Paste copy from clipboard.
UP: Delete spaces between the cursor and the first character to its left.
WA: Wildcard: Interpreted as any alphabetic or numeric character in a search.
WC: Wildcard: Interpreted as the end-of-line character.
WG: Switch text to draft view (fast edit) without Page-Line indicators.
WH: Emulate WordPerfect's implementation of the Home key
WL: Wildcard: Interpreted as any letter A-Z in a search.
WN: Wildcard: Interpreted as any number 0 through 9 in a search.
WS: Wildcard: Interpreted as any word or sentence separator in a search.
WW: Wildcard: Interpreted as any string from 1 to 80 characters in a search.
WX: Wildcard: Interpreted as any character in a search.
WZ: Toggle between graphic view and the view previously displayed.
XC: Execute the command that is currently on the command line.
XD: Release the selected block of text, or close and save the command window.
XH: Remove any currently displayed Menu or Help screens from view.
XM: Move cursor to the middle of the line.
XN: Transpose text (1=character; 2=word; 3 sentence; 4=paragraph)
XP: Switch text to expanded view.
XS: Toggle the display of markers affected by scoping.
XX: Define floating accent (must also be entered in AC Table in Default file).
YD: Release selected text but don't close a command window.
ZT: Reset the stopwatch function to zero and start the timer.

Carl Distefano

Harry Binswanger