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Re: Italics (was Re: Mixed up colors)

Hi Harry,

I don't really think this will be easy, or even possible without restarting vDos(-lfn). For example, it will require vDos-lfn to completely reset/reload the window frame, font, memory settings and so on. These can only be archived when you restart the vDos-lfn window itself. In this case I guess you'd better close and restart vDos-lfn instead.


On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 7:06 PM, Harry Binswanger wrote:


A thought: a really helpful thing would be the ability to re-load CONFIG.TXT live, in a running vDosXy. That way I could test different colors and such almost interactively.


Hi Harry,

There are at least two ways to update vDos-lfn to the latest build, either automatically or manually.

1. If you want to try update using U2's VDLUPD command, then "vDosDir=" must be set. It is located near the bottom of the file XYWWWEB.REG, under the section [vDos-lfn,vDosXy]. Change and save it and try again. U2 is being maintained by Carl.

2. If you want to update by yourself, simply download the file vDos-lfn-201511.zip from the following URL. The file is constantly being updated. Extract the files vDos-lfn.exe and README.TXT from the zip file and replace the old ones. Then you are done.
Download URL: http://individual.utoronto.ca/wengier/old/vdos-lfn-201511.zip http://individual.utoronto.ca/wengier/old/vdos-lfn-201511.zip


On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 4:26 PM, Harry Binswanger wrote:

>2016.07.19. Does vDosDir, in XYWWWEB.REG, point to the correct directory?

Wow! What a question! Who knew that was involved? Lemme look.

There's no entry for vdos. At least a se /vdos/ found no hits.

What should I put in?

I guessed:

And that made no difference. For some reason, updating is not going well. I
have to struggle more.

