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Re: Pipe dreams

** Reply to note from xywrite@xxxxxxxx Thu, 12 Nov 98 17:04:12 -0500

> ... HTML could be
> perhaps tweaked to be a Xy-like format and thus we might get a neat new
> plain-text word processor for the next millenium which would also
> sidestep TTG's proprietary interest.

HTML is pathetic, IMO. The only way I can get pages to format the way I want is by
using the 
 tag, which conversely defeats much of HTML's inherent malleability
and purpose. HTML has all the panache of EDLIN.

> If people want to shoot it down

I'm not shooting it down (whatever "it" is).

> To say, "we've already got Xywrite" simply begs all the nagging little
> questions about TTG's continued commitment and support.

Notwithstanding the supposedly numerous problems with XyWrite, or with TTG
(who's that? which "continued" commitment? how can you have questions about
something that has never existed?), you are NEVER going to write an editor (not
you, not nobody) with as much polish and power as XyWrite unless you're prepared to
spend, well, 15-16 years on it. So get crackin'. Meanwhile, I'm using XyDOS.

Robert Holmgren