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For automated backup, the .bat file must determine whether or not the
destination drive is currently assigned to the Mac or the PC. (This is for
a weekly backup, and sometimes, over the course of the week, the w: drive
gets assigned to the Mac not the PC.) I figured out how to do the needed
test in 4DOS (which is a roughly a superset of standard DOS .bat language.)

if "%@LABEL[w:]" NE "Week-ATAPI6" quit
I'm sure there's a way, probably simple, to do this in CMD.EXE's .bat file syntax, but it took me two hours to figure out 4DOS's syntax (with the manual and trial and error), and after finally working that out, I wasn't interested in any CMD way.
> I'm curious why you would need to run XCOPY under 4DOS rather
> then CMD.

Make that "rather than".

Harry Binswanger