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Re: A wild new idea for the future of XyWrite


I think both Xy3 and Xy4 are, and will be, supported equally by the
vDos-lfn installers and the vDos-lfn runtime environment. There are
actually quite a few Xy3 (including NB3) users around, me included. Most
of us are aware of the benefits of Xy4, but are still happy using tried
and true Xy3 because it fills our needs well enough having done so for a
couple of decades.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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17.7.2016, 23:16, J R FOX kirjoitti:
I don't want to over-complicate your activities here, and would not expect you to also be supporting the earlier XyWrite, which has a number of key differences to Xy-4, and which a small minority of this List still uses. Jordan