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Re: Hiding deltas and Outline software

" I have a little outlining routine I use often. It's very simple, works
" fine, but causes two or three formatting deltas to appear with each new
" indent and/or section. Visually, it would be nice not to have to stare at
" so many deltas while I'm outlining -- I'm sure my organizational thoughts
" would be much more profound and I could finally achieve the success as a
" writer and a human being that I have long been striving for. Is there some
" way to prevent these deltas from displaying temporarily?   
" (Or maybe there's a cleaner outlining program available, though I checked
" R. Holmgren's site and the archives and didn't see one right off. I use
" XyW 3.53.)
" John Paul Newport

	I wouldn't say that it is cleaner, but PC-Outline, a
	tidy bit of software I've used for many years as a
	TSR-editor, and outliner is still available at SimTel.

	Its files aren't ASCII as in its code, but there is
	an option to save in ASCII.
	It's very nice, quick and metamorphed into the program
	called Grandview, of which I have a 3 inch thick official
	binder that I never opened.
  Linkname: pco334.zip
  Filename: ftp://ftp.simtel.net/pub/simtelnet/msdos/txtutl/pco334.zip
 pco334.zip  (871130) 96K PC-Outline v3.34: Outlining & planning program
	Version 3.34 was the last made and had several added features
	over earlier items that were very very nice with XY.