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New Files for Downloading

I have just posted several new files for downloading by
subscribers to the EAAN, EASCI, and XYWRITE lists. The first two
groups may be interested in the list of current serials at the Needham Research
Institute, in binary form in NRI.ZIP and XX-encoded as NRI.XXE. For
XyWrite users there are several new files described in the
updated version of CATALOG.DOC, which I append:

U.LST, XWCOMP, XYFUNC (an archive of files on mostly undocumented
XY functions from TG Tech Support, ZIP and XXE), and SAVEGET.LST.

Let me remind you that if you have prepared reference materials
of any kind that might be useful to more than a couple of
colleagues, you are invited to post them for downloading.


This file will describe all files that can be downloaded from the
 CCAT.SAS.UPENN.EDU list server that supports the three groups.
In the

instructions that follow, LISTNAME is one of the three lists, and
 FILENAME is the name of the file that you want, with extension.
 Note that ASCII and binary files must be downloaded

Send a message to the list server containing only the line


where [LISTNAME] is the list who which you subscribe. For
details see the instructions in the information file that
carries the name of your list. It is the file that you receive
when you join. Remember that the list server is
LSTSRV@xxxxxxxx, NOT the address that you send
messages to.

server cannot process "get" requests for binary files. You must
download them yourself using anonymous FTP.  All are stored in
the /pub/eaan directory. Starting from the system (usually
UNIX) prompt on your own university's computer system, execute
the following sequence of commands.  Note that they are
  ftp ccat.sas.upenn.edu
  (when prompted, give "anonymous" as your account name,
  and your full e-mail address as your password;
  You will be logged on and told you have restricted access)
  cd pub/eaan
  dir (to confirm that the file you want is in the [LISTNAME]
  get [FILENAME]
  (when you are finished, log off with "quit" to return to your

To get the files from your account (on a university computer,
etc.) to your personal computer via modem, see the documentation
of your own communications software.

Make sure file type is set to binary when you download.  NOTE:
Because these files are binary, they are not in the directory of
the list server, and will not be listed by the INDEX command.
This file will be updated to list and describe them.

  ****************** BINARY FILES ********************
JIAGU.EXE   265776  6-08-94 10:14p  binary (for EAAN)
Archives an index of rejoined oracle bone fragments by Stan
Mickel. It is archived with PKZIP 2.04g, but is
self-extracting. Just put it in the directory where you want
the index, ensuring that it has at least 1.4MB of free space,
and type JIAGU to extract. The constituent files, all ASCII,
  FIRST.   324105  5-26-94
 SECOND.   285071  5-26-94
  THIRD.   353792  5-26-94

SMARTS23.ZIP  59260  7-15-94  binary (for XYWRITE) Contains
SMARTSET.NTS v2.3 by Carl L. Distefano, Power Tools for
XyWrite 4.0+ and XyWrite for Windows, revised 7/15/94
  SmartSet.U2 is a library of XyWrite Programming Language (XPL)
add-on functions for XyWrite 4.0+ for DOS ("XyDOS") and XyWrite
for Windows ("XyWin"). The routines are divided into three
groups: desktop utilities, file- and window-management
programs, and editing tools -- all in a ready-to-load custom
command set (U2) file. These programs have evolved over years
of daily XyWrite use in a busy international-law practice. Many
of the original versions date back to XyWrite III+ and
earlier. All have been recoded, tested and used as version 4.x

XPLNS.ZIP   25173  7-25-94  binary (XYWRITE)  A collection
of XPL utilities by N. Sivin for everyday use with XyDOS
4, some new, some minimally adapted, converted or rewritten from
NB4 programs, of which many were written by Even-Zohar and
Woozley. The original authors are not responsible for any
faults in these versions,

nor can I guarantee any of these utilities to work on your
machine.  These files include menu programs for choosing and
loading system files, converting files from one word processor
format to another, etc., which may easily be revised for your
own programs, and a utility that cleans most of the junk out of
e-mail headers (not necessarily better than anyone else's).
Also includes XN.KBD, a highly customized keyboard that uses
many basic NB4 keystrokes rather than native XY ones, fully
documented in a ASCII file KBD.HLP. If you are not a NB veteran
you can easily cannibalize for your own keyboard such features
as a single keystroke to fix runon sentences. Back up your
working files before trying these utilities on them!

STACKXYW.ZIP   ca. 30K each 1994  binary (XyWrite)
Holmgren's STACK.PM adapted for XyWrite 4 for DOS and Windows.
This classic XPL program records commands in a stack as you give
them, and allows you to return to them one at a time, or
directly to any one you

want by typing one or more letters in it.

XYFUNC.ZIP   50K 1995 binary (XyWrite) A group of files
that describe undocumented functions, workarounds, etc., in
XYDOS and XYWIN, from TG Tech Support.  They are posted on their
BBS as FILES.DOC, a less descriptive name that I have taken the
liberty of changing.  Anyone with an interest in the functioning
of the program will find these enlightening.

NRI.ZIP    64K  1995 binary (EASCI)
A group of files that list journals in the East Asian History of
Science Library (at the Needham Research Institute).

  **************** ASCII TEXT FILES *********************

           ***** EAAN *****

CHWDPROC.DOC  4677  Information on shareware Chinese word  processors (EASCI)

EAAN.95n    21910  Monthly compilations of messages so far

           ***** EASCI *****  BIBLALCH.DOC  76396
Detailed bibliography of Western-
 language publications on the history of Chinese alchemy, by
 Fabrizio Pregadio (95.1)

BIBLIO.DOC   71407  Bibliography of Western publications on
 history of Chinese science and medicine (EASCI)

EASCI.94nn       Monthly compilations of EASCI messages

MEDREF.DOC   69869  Bibliography of reference works in Chinese and

 Japanese for history of Chinese medicine (updated from the version
 published in II)

NRI.XXE    92331  XX-encoded version of NRI.ZIP
 (above). You can use it if you have a UUENCODE program
 (which includes XX-encoding) AND a zip utility.

SERIAL.DOC   84595  List of all serials held at Needham
Research Institute, Cambridge, England, contributed by John
Moffett, Librarian.

This list is particularly strong on recent Chinese medicine
periodicals as well as established Chinese history of science

SYLMED.DOC   10757  Syllabus for course on history of Chinese
  medicine, taught Spring 1994 by N.S.

           ***** XYWRITE *****
SAVEGET.LST   3850  List of savegets used by XY dialog box file,
  contributed by Chet Gottfried.

U.LST      1782  A message from Carl Distefano about
  custom command sets in XY (U files)

XWCOMP      3628  A comparison of XYDOS 4.015 and  XYWIN 4.12 by NS

XYFUNC.XXE   73863  See XYFUNC.ZIP above.

XYWRITE.94n  Compilations of messages so far; monthly
            compilation will begin 1 August 94

           ***** GENERAL *****

CATALOG.DOC   2065  This list.    (all three lists)


           ***** MARKUP *****
A generic markup system is used in some text files to flag such
attributes as italics and bold, which otherwise would not transmit.
You may want to use them for files you upload when formatting is
important. I< begins, and >I ends, italics, and B< and >B are
used for bold.  Diacritics are marked by the following codes
after the letter:

LTR  DIACRITIC       EXAMPLE l left (acute) accent
e[l] r right (grave) accent    e[r] m macron
   o[m] c circumflex         o[c] e cedilla
      c[e] o small o, Swedish      A[o]

[dg]     degree sign
[emdash]   em dash s[s]     German double s (resembles B or
Greek beta)

Both attribute and diacritic markup can be changed to that of any

processor by search and replace.

-- Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-3325