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Re: CLipboard

I don't know about win98, but I paste from the
clipboard all the time using win95 and I suspect
it is the same. Assuming you have copied
something to the clipboard, using the EDIT
pulldown menu in XWwin, select "paste from
clipboard" and the clipboard material is copied at
the point of the cursor.
 I just copied your mail message to the
clipboard, then went to XWrite and copied it into
the document I was/am working upon. Works fine!
Dick Giering

Michael Norman wrote:
> Does someone know how to paste copy from Win98's clipboard into an open file in XyDos4? I have U2 if that's the answer. (Actually I'm trying to mailmerge addresses from DayTimer Organizer 2000 into XyDos4 without having to export then write and run a program to get rid of the quote marks and the commas and insert line feeds and so on. Windows clipboard seems easiest.) Thanks.
> Michael No9rman