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Re: Where is everybody?

                         Michael Edwards.

[Judith Davidsen:]

>Have I been kicked off the list?
>Is everybody else en route to the country?
>Am I the only one to survive Kak?
>It's lonely out here.
>Judith Davidsen

   I'm still here, and I will probably have more questions to ask about
XY-Write some time - but I seemed to be snowed under lots of different stuff
that's come up, and somehow the days have gone by and I've said nothing more
here, in spite of still having things I want to say. (I'm almost giving up on
the idea of trying to keep up with everything I do by e-mail.)
   I've received nothing on this list for a few days, so it's not just you,
Judith. I imagine all lists go through the occasional quiet patch, just by the
chance of things.

             Michael Edwards.