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Re: SAveTo question.

** Reply to message from "M.W. Poirier"  on Thu, 15
Jun 2006 08:32:22 -0400 (EDT)


Let's start at the beginning. SAVETO is designed to save to multiple devices
with a single command or keystroke.

Perhaps your confusion is due to only seeing (and quoting in your msg) a small
part of the REG assignment? You need to toggle into eXPanded view. There is a
lot of programming in those four stemmed assignments! (If you copied to the
clipboard and thence to your Email using CLIP.EXE instead of Windows, that
progamming would be quoted too! even if not visible to you due to your XyWrite
"view" mode! When you copy to system clipboard with Windows Copy/Paste, you
always are in danger of losing EVERYTHING that is embedded within guillemets!!!
Moreover, the Windows Clipboard is CodePage 1252 and XyWrite isn't, so all high
order chars will change, and then you'll really have a muddle if the clip
includes programming. In short, use CLIP.EXE -- it's designed for XyWrite.)

XyWWWeb.INF says the following, just above the examples it offers: "The first
set of examples below have real guillemets (view in eXPanded mode!), and can be
CoPied to XyWWWeb.REG intact, assigning only real numbers to the "#" stems (in
numeric order) and changing the "D:[\PATH\]" specs." In other words, you don't
use this SINGLE four-stem assignment as-is! It's just an example. You MUST
disable|delete the stems that are not applicable to your goal! You do not
"invoke SaveTo.4" -- SaveTo.4 is simply the fourth stem of a single command,
four lines that (in the form you present, which is *not realistic*) get
concatenated at execution time into a single command. You don't need all those
lines (stems)! Apparently(?), you are NOT saving to Firewire, and you are NOT
saving to an FTP dir, so those lines must be removed|commented out. Indeed,
you're not even doing a regular save (stem #1), because that would duplicate
the action of stem #4 (save to Hard Drive and to Memory Stick). When you're
all done configuring, what you invoke is simply "SAVETO" -- sans

Now, my XyWWWeb.INF (v119) doesn't have the examples you quote, and moreover
I'm a bit confused about your goal.

Apparently, though you don't say, your goal is simply to perform an ordinary
save to disk of your current file, and also to save the file to a memory stick,
simultaneously? Is that correct? And can we assume that the file in question
will already have a filename and location, i.e. it is not an [UNTITLED] file?

To get correct results with those assumptions, this would be your assignment:

b-gin [UNTITLED]
ist H:\FILES\*.*[Q2_]{<}IF@NOT({<}ER{>}){>}{<}SX01,{<}VA$FI{>
}{>}[BX_]sa/nv H:\FILES\{<}PV01{>}[Q2_][BX_]wait[Q2_]{<}EI{>}

Install that in REG, then command SAVETO.

Robert Holmgren