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Re: XyIII+ in WinXP

I like your philosophy, Flash. I'm something of a lapsed minimalist myself, yearning for a return to the golden age. By necessity I've become proficient at Word over the years, but it still feels like driving a 747 to the corner grocery store. I miss the top-down, wind-in-the-hair joy of fast cornering in my XY-III.

My taking up Xy again is purely for my own freelance stuff. My workday work will necessarily still rely on Word.

I'm looking forward to more experimentation, and I likely will give IV another try, but for my purposes--mostly just cranking out text--my gut is that I will stick with III.

have a good weekend,

On 7/13/07, flash mailto:flash@xxxxxxxx wrote:

Further to full screen vs. windowed mode:

1) Some users report that some colors appear different in full screen
(or in windowed) mode than as defined in the *.PRN file;
2) Some users report that some text modes (especially flashing modes)
appear different in full screen or in windowed mode than as defined in
the *.PRN file; on my machine, for example, flashing modes do not flash
in windowed mode, only in full screen mode.
These differences may be due to hardware constellations; not all users
report differences.
3) Copy-paste to/from Windows apps will work only in Windowed mode in
box-standard Xy3, not in full screen mode. If you wish to copy-paste
to/from Windows apps, either a) switch to windowed mode (ALT ENTER),
then back to full screen for continued editing, or b) upgrade to Xy4 and
install the plug-ins (CLIP.EXE).


has utilities (conversion filters to/from RTF and many other formats)
under "Tools & Resources", and extensive screen shots of the various
properties tabs for shortcut links and pifs and *.BAT files to help you
sort out fonts, screen sizes, and various other settings under "How-To

There aren't many Threebies left; most have become Fourblers. But every
once in a while somebody at the forum wants to test a theory and see
whether some anomaly can be duplicated in a box-standard III+, and,
well, I'm the test bed. A Gnostic among the Christians, I guess. I
subscribe to the maxim that a program is perfect not when there is
nothing else to add but when there is nothing else to remove.
