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Re: eeeditor

On Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:05:58 -0500, Paul Lagasse wrote:

>Rafe, for about 18 months I've been running a Xy4-Dosemu setup on a
>desktop using Ubuntu (and such Ubuntu-related Linux distributions as
>Xubuntu and Linux Mint) and Sidux, on a IBM X40 laptop using Ubuntu
>7.10, and on bootable USB drives with Linux, so I was interested to read
>your posting.

I had noted your responses about Ubuntu with interest, Paul. I seem to remember
Manuel Castalao posting as well, and Wendell Cochran was another pioneer if I'm
not mistaken.

>Have you had any crashes using "CTRL+c"? I've found that any repeated
>use of that key combo will crash Xy4 on Dosemu, though not Dosemu
>itself, and have simply stopped using that combo in Xy4 as a precaution.
>That has been the one significant adjustment I've had to make.

now that you mention it, I have noticed it. I wasn't certain whether I'd hit the
touchpad inadvertantly to cause the termination, but as you say, it's occurred
when I've used Ctrl-C to call a file from a directory (now, has that been
programmed in since XyWrite II+, or was it the first keyboard assignment I ever
made?) I'll probably remap it to Ctl-Z.

>Somewhat recently I fully understood one small advantage that Xy4 on
>Linux-Dosemu has over Xy4 on Windows-DOS. A Linux symbolic link is not
>seen as a link file but as transparent link, so a symbolic link to
>directory X shows up in Xy4 not as X.LNK but as X and can be cd'd to and
>have its contents displayed. Likewise, opening a symbolic link to a file
>named FILE in Xy4 will open FILE, not FILE.LNK.

and it makes me a bit sheepish to read your reference to symbolic links, because
while I was aware I could use these to sensibly save myself some disk space, in my
haste I hurried on and simply copied a few files instead of experimenting with how
they work. nice literary-sounding sort of phrase, too, "symbolic link."
