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Re: Line endings

On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Paul Williams wrote:

> The problem I have is that many line endings are just HEX 0D, while the
> normal XW line ending is HEX 0A 0D.
> I want to change those solitary 0Ds.
> The WC function call ignores them; I try pasting the character into my
> multiple change program file and I get command not recognised.

I wrote a simple saveget program which simply duplicates the
actions of calling up the menus with , then picking out the
appropriate symbol for 0D (the same symbol you see when you look
at the HTML file in XyWrite), then exiting the menus, leaving the
symbol on the command line, then building a change invisible
command that converts the 0D symbol to the standard XyWrite
end-of-line symbol, and then executes that program.