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Illa ostendit eius desktop pasco tantum ad nuntium aggregators sed prospectum ad legere de lamia
sexus in eius tabula.


She points her desktop browser only to news aggregators but is looking forward to reading about
vampire sex on her tablet

Reverse : That shows his desktop browser so much to the news aggregators to read but a vampire of
her sex in the table ..
> Reply to note from Bill Troop  Thu, 16 Feb 2012
> 18:16:19 +0000
> > (The first review of [the HTOED] was my wife's,
> > http://www.literaryreview.co.uk/barker_11_09.html)
> An informative and entertaining review, Bill. This thread reminds me
> that I should make more frequent use of my online subscription to
> the OED (provided gratis by my employer), which of course now links
> to the HT. My reflexive (automatic, irreflective, unreflective,
> unthinking) reaction, when I want to consult the Dictionary, is to
> launch my local (Dictionary-only) copy of the software. (On the
> other hand, once I start browsing the HT, I might never get any work
> done.)
> Caleb Carr had an amusing piece in the NYT a couple of years ago, in
> which he describes using the HT to translate the following sentence
> into Shakespearean English: "She points her desktop browser only to
> news aggregators but is looking forward to reading about vampire sex
> on her tablet."
> http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/10/magazine/10FOB-onlanguage-t.html
> (I imagine there are people at the Vatican who could translate that
> sentence into Latin.)
> --
> Carl Distefano
> cld@xxxxxxxx