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Re: Military time (whoops!)

No, not really. I was only pulling your leg. Good that you didn't fall for
it. :-)
Another way of putting it is that I was mistaken about Xy3 vs. Xy4 in this
respect. For some purposes, we can now drop 3-byte wildcards into XPL, but
that isn't apparently the same as dropping them into Parse. I just tried it
and it doesn't work. So one does have to do the one-byte 27 plus the x.
want. For >>example, to search for a single number:

 Type: [Shift][Esc]N
How do we know what Shift-esc is putting out? In the original Xy4.kbd that
puts out a
27, whereas the plain escape key puts out the function ES (which seems to
be a sort of all purpose cleanser, like YD).
2. What on earth does {<}CUA,03{>} mean? I've been through both manuals, Tyson's book, and XPL.TXT and cannot find it.
It's the "For" part of a For/Next loop definition: which says, starting here, CountUp to the value stored in 03 before going past LaBel A (that label being the "Next" delimiter of the loop). Consider this one
Well, sure. Once one knows it stands for "count up" one can find it under
those words in XPL.TXT. Who was it said "everything looks easy when you
know how"?
I think that was Martin Frobisher. You know, the guy who died looking for
the Northwest Passage.

Harry Binswanger