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Re: annoyances and whatnot

On 31 Jan 97 at 12:23, TBaehr@xxxxxxxx wrote:

> re pushing text to top of screen:
> We did that on purpose in XyWin because the upper half/lower half
> trick that worked in DOS (where the menu itself moved) proved
> impracticable in Win. We wanted to show the word being
> checked/thesaurusized on-screen and not hide it under the dialog
> box (as was done at the time by Word and WPerf). If you find
> that the lookup word is not visible, it may be that you're not
> running XyWin full-screen.

The lookup word is visible, my comment was about not seeing it in
context since XyWin pushes it to the top (line 2). If you're
pushing the text up, you might have chosen to put the lookup
word/line at line 7, not line 2, thus allowing for lead-in
context. With but one line before the lookup word, lead-in
context is obliterated. At line 7 or thereabouts, however, you'd
have left ample leading and trailing context surrounding the
lookup word.

> re OLE: I think OLE was not implemented (or not implemented very
> well) at the time we were developing XyWin.

Well, my XyWin program file and others are dated January 1995,
that's not too long ago so I assume some work had been going into
XyWin at least up until that point. A lot of these things could
have been implemented or fixed. Most of my Windows for Workgroups
software is older than this XyWin yet more advanced/compliant.

Whatever. XyWin is what it is. A promising program that seems to
have died on the vine. Odd thing is when I spoke to Kenny some
years ago and we discussed features (while I lobbied for ability
to code uppercase into Styles, which he phoned me back about and
said after talking to the programmers the feature can be added and
will be added but first to the Windows version since that had the
priority) I would have thought XyWin would continue to evolve
rather than diverting resources for a DOS word processor, of all
things (lest the company was planning on changing its name to
Antiquity Software, Ltd.). Well implemented, well integrated,
Windows software has a market, and is a pleasure to work with.
