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Re: Military time (whoops!)

** Reply to message from "Patricia M. Godfrey"  on Mon, 19
Jun 2006 17:00:52 -0400

DECODE this, for an explanation of various kinds of wildcards, and how to use

b-gin [UNTITLED]
[cr|lf]Wildcards[cr|lf]=========[cr|lf]True wildcards, used i
n native SEarch|CHange commands:[cr|lf][wA][wL][wN][wS][wW][w
X][255+192+174][cr|lf]OR quasi-"wildcard":[cr|lf][wO][cr|lf]A
ND|NOT quasi-"wildcards", used with U2 SEarch|CHange frame on
with special purposes (NOT NEXT CHAR, iterations):[cr|lf][w-]
ds" for SEarch|CHange of specific characters (13+10, 13, 10,{032}
tors in XS parses[cr|lf]=======================[cr|lf]{027}A{
027}L{027}N{027}S{027}W{027}X[cr|lf][cr|lf]As you note, regar
ding XS parses XPL.TXT says:[cr|lf] "XyWrite accepts wild ca
rd characters in the[cr|lf]  string you want to match (#2 ab
ove). Use the[cr|lf]  same wild cards as you use with the Se
arch[cr|lf]  command. To enter them into the program file,[c
r|lf]  press [Shift][Esc] followed by the wild card[cr|lf] {032}
 letter you want. For example, to search for[cr|lf]  a singl
e number:[cr|lf]   Type: [Shift][Esc]N"[cr|lf]However, the
 meaning of "the same wild cards" is: the same _mnemonic_, N
OT the same character. In other words, "[wA]" in a SEarch|CH
ange command = "{027}A" in an XS parse command, [wL]={027}L,{032}
[wN]={027}N, [wS]={027}S, [wW]={027}W, and [wX]={027}X. The{032}
"{027}" is a 1-byte character 27. To insert this 1-byte 27 i
n programming, you need to code a 3-byte character 27 in the{032}
KBD file (you can use[cr|lf] PUTCHAR 27d,3[cr|lf]to
 do that -- or you can insert it directly into programming wi
th either of these:[cr|lf] PUTCHAR 27d,1[cr|lf] PU
TCHAR 1Bh,1[cr|lf]).[cr|lf][cr|lf]

Robert Holmgren