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Re: XY-4 and OS/2 Experience

> In re 16 bit/vs 32 bit apps:
> 32 bit and 64 bit apps will be emerging from Redmond, along with > whatever
turns up after Chicago.

  Sure -- but you were talking about the *large* windoz base, which is largely
non-Microsloth. And remember -- those apps will then not run on windoz 3.1 --
thereby creating a great divide. As for Chicago -- it is very much reminiscent
of Windoz NT (Not There), and has once again been postponed until the 2nd
quarter of '95. Remember too -- NT was supposed to be the great saviour for MS.
What happened?
  Also, I don't know what you've been reading, but that flap about a bug in
Warp is much ado about nothing -- a very minor installation glitch that only
happened on some machines. Big deal! How does that compare with the deliberate
bugs MS puts in DOS and windoz to make other peoples software not work well, or
not work at all, while the MS products do fine because their code is written
with full knowledge of those little secret bugs? I'll take a bumbler over a
saboteur anytime.

> I'll bet half of those Tandyites drive VW bugs!

  Gee, I'm currently rebuilding a '73 VW camper. Although mostly I only drive
a bicycle.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx

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