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Re: Beginner's question + Euroscript. + Edward Mendelson

I am not qualified to comment on the ability to print documents for academic formats or other formats that have high technical requirements, but I have experience as lawyer submitting papers to Court where I am very concerned about the appearance of my papers.  I found that Wordperfect 5.1 for DOS gives extremely neat, beautifully kerned and spaced professional document.  Some years ago (I think about 2000) I had correspondence with Professor Edward Mendelson, the literature professor at Columbia who is the WordPerfect Guru and the author of many of the word processor reviews in PC magazine in the 1980's and other computer related journals and web sites (who had given Xywrite very strong reviews)  He had strongly recommended (and still does) using Wordperfect 5.1 for Dos long after Word for Windows had taken over the typing world for its ability to create beautiful looking documents.  I still do all my writing in Xywite 4.17 and than use Word for Word (a very easy and simple process) to convert the document to Wordperfect 5.1 which I than print in new times roman on an hp laserjet 5.   One word of caution, I only use two margin sets and I rarely use any font other than new times roman so I have very little tweaking to do afterwards so my idea of a simple and easy conversion may not be relevant to anyone else.  But I can strongly recommend wordperfect 5.1 for dos if your primary concern is the appearance of your document from the point of view of kearning, line spacing, spacing between words and between letters in a word.  It does have the abiliity to create numerous special characters in several widely diverse fields from literature to science to math to economics.
His website http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/wpdos/ href="http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/wpdos/ is a marvelous resource if you cannot get help here with running old dos programs in a window environment.
At various times the gurus on the Xylist have cited Professor Mendelson for recommendations for solutions to Window problems.
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