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Re: spell checker path error ?

Flash wrote:
that's not the partition/folder where my text files are located  d:\xy\; text files are in e:\text; the OS, w2k, is on c:\.
That's a good, sensible setup (same one I use myself). But I DO NOT log onto e: to work. I do include, at the end of startup.int, the command CD e:, but don't execute it. It just gets written to the command line. On starting up, I enter the folder I expect to be working in and hit execute. Then I just have to remember (but by now it's second nature) to preface any filenames I call or store with "e:". I remail logged into D:\xyw4dos, so Xy can find any files it needs. (Of course, d:\xyw4dos is also in the Path,. set there by a batch file called by the pif. that loads Xy.)
Does anyone have ideas or suggestions why the xy SPELL command seems to
be locking horns with c:\winnt\...\wbem,
Make sure there's no file there named dict.spl. But I suspect not.
Command VA/NV $pa to see what your path is, then fix it.

Patricia M. Godfrey