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Re: vDosXy: Frequent crashes

What is the executable date (or version number --- is there one?)? I
have never had a crash, but I think I'm using an old version (executable

Running Xy4 in vDosXy for me is extremely smooth. In fact, in at least
one respect, better than running it under real DOS/Windows. Under real
DOS/Windows, XyWrite reported that the dir of any non-default directory
for which the archive bit set was empty, if I remember correctly. Under
vDosXy such directories are listed correctly.


On 20.05.2015 04:09, Carl Distefano wrote:
XyWrite 4 crashes for me at least once every half hour with the last release of vDosXy, sometimes more frequently. It's got to the point where I've given up and reinstated the previous version of vDos.exe. Anyone else experiencing this problem?
-- Martin J. Osborne http://www.economics.utoronto.ca/osborne Theoretical Economics, a journal of the Econometric Society http://econtheory.org Follow TE: http://twitter.com/EconTheory