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Re: Styles (was Re: Xy Win/macros, etc.)

The discussion of how to turn off attributes in a style misses a
very simple point. Your style should read not "+BO" but "BO," and
you have to set the default explicitly.

Here is an example with two such tricks. It is the template I use
to begin a double-spaced essay with single-spaced heading. It
contains 3 levels of heading (H1, H2, H3), right justify (R),
bibliography with hanging indent (B), normal paragraph with .2in
indent (T), continuation paragraph without the indent (C),
indented long quote (Q), and indented verse (V). The bold in H1
and the indent in H2 turn off when you begin another ident. Why?
The key is the  before the styles begin. That establishes
normal type as the default. If you also notice the 
after H1 and H2 but before the rest. That forces the remainder to
double-space. The  *before* the heading styles
establishes generous single-spacing as the default for them. The
second LL cancels it out for the others. The ÿ (ASCII 223, which
is a little elevated block, but you will see it as a y with an
umlaut) is a bookmark that takes the cursor right to where the
title needs to be filled in.

By the way, the "NB3", which must be at the end of the H1 and H2
heading styles, is a way of making them begin a 3-line
non-breakable block, avoiding a heading marooned at the bottom of
a page. I think that this use of NB is undocumented, but revealed
by some ancient sage.


SIVINÿ of 


N. Sivin
Draft ÿ

Nathan Sivin
History and Sociology of Science
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia PA 19104-6304
(215) 898-7454