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Re: Trolling for dollars: scammers hard at work

Patricia M Godfrey wrote:

>     One cannot help wondering: wouldn't earning an honest living be a lot
> easier than perpetrating these scams?

Probably so. After a while, I believe, scamming and spamming becomes an
obsessive-compulsive trait. As one of the many many commentators on the
Jayson Blair affair pointed out, Blair probably had to work harder to
convince everyone he'd been where he said he was than he would have had
he actually showed up.

Course it works the other way too: "If E.F. Harriman paid me what he's
paying those guys to stop me from robbing him, I'd stop robbing
him."--Butch Cassidy

Leslie Bialler, Columbia University Press
61 W. 62 St, NYC 10023
212-459-0600 X7109 (phone) 212-459-3677 (fax)