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Re: Further to Portable NB batch file

** Reply to message from Michael Norman 
on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 15:32:02 -0400

If you did leave everything in the root of your thumb, and you
dedicated the thumb *exclusively* to NB, then this BATchfile
would work (and there'd be a lot less trouble if you need to
update the NB install on the thumb) -- in this scenario, you
don't need to specify an NBFOLDER because we know what it is --
it's the root:

@echo off
:: --------------------------
:: LAUNCHNB.BAT for Portable Nota Bene RJHolmgren 4 Dec 2004
Rev.19 Sept 08
:: Command at a DOS Prompt: START /MIN [d:\path\]LAUNCHNB.BAT
:: --------------------------
if not exist Z:\ goto b
echo Drive Z: already in use! Aborting...
goto :eof
for %%a in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y) do (
 if exist %%a:\SWSYS.DLL (
  subst Z: %%a:\
  pushd Z:\
  echo NotaBene is running...
  start /min /wait Z:\NBEDITOR.EXE
  subst Z: /D
 ) )
echo NotaBene portable installation not found
goto :eof

Robert Holmgren