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Nota Bene

Nota Bene is alive and well and very close to releasing a major upgrade!

For those of you who are not already NB users, we hope that you will
join us in our efforts to build a word processing program based on the
XyWrite code.

Yesterday, we sent out the October issue of Bene News, our e-mail
newsletter. If you would like to receive it, please send an e-mail to
sales@xxxxxxxx and we will send you a copy of the current issue and
add you to the subscription list for future issues.

In the current issue, you will hear about the following:

(1) We are announcing that version 6.0 of Nota Bene will be released in
November and we are providing a long list of all of the new features
that will be available. Read about OLE, indexing and improvements to
our RTF filters, phrase libraries (save/gets), frames, borders, show
codes view, cellular tables and much more more.

(2) We are also announcing a sale. Buy version 5.5 for $50 off of our
academic, student or "competitive upgrade" (i.e., XyWrite) prices and
you will get a free upgrade to version 6.0 when it is available.
XyWrite users get $50 off in addition to the $200 discount that we
normally offer to registered XyWrite users. So your price (until the
later of October 31 or our formal release of 6.0) is only $199 for
Scholar’s Workstation (list price is $449; regular Academic price is
$349 and regular competitive upgrade price for XyWrite users is $249).

This is the time to buy Nota Bene. The product is great and, with
version 6.0, it will be even better. The price for XyWriters is as low
as it ever gets. And you have the opportunity to support a company that
is committed to developing and supporting word processing software based
on the XyWrite code.

The order forms reflecting the sale prices are available on our web
site, or you can place an order by calling us at the phone numbers

Thanks to all of you who have already purchased Nota Bene!

Anne Putnam
President, Nota Bene Associates, Inc.
1-800-4NB-ORDER (1-800-462-6733)
212-334-0845 (fax)