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Re: Tweaking something...?

** Reply to message from Harry Binswanger  on Sat, 27 Mar 2004
22:28:23 -0500

>>It bears some resemblance to very old Stack code; but in any event, S/G
>>*275 is
>>actually $K, which (usually) is loaded only in DLG. SEarch your DLG file for

> Neither a plain $K nor a $K function shows up in my Xy directory (using the
> *.* search). Oh, well--$M+6 is down to 5 now, which should be good enough.

Sorry, I made a mistake, it's "&K", not "$K" -- and this is not specific to
(whereas $K is launched by DLG only). Try again! Find it. Look in KBD for
"&,K". More likely than not, if you have a LDSGT file, it is there. Command
"VA/NV |*275" to see what the size of this code is. You're loading it

Robert Holmgren