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Re: styles, win98 workaround question

Reply to note from "Fred Weiner"  Fri, 19 May 2006
13:21:18 -0700

> Is there a way to keep a collection of styles for use with any
> document, available on the fly? I've thought of collecting them
> into a file and loading it, then copy-and-paste from it as
> needed, but this seems so inelegant.

There are two possibilities, both of which conserve customization
memory, which is scarce. One is to add the styles to FISHOUT.DAT,
whence you can fish them out on the fly (fly-fishing?) with
FISH stylename. If you haven't used frame FISH(OUT) before,
setup is easy; read the helpscreen at HELP FISH.

Another is to load the styles into U2 via one or more personal frames.
Here's a template; issue DECODE to decode it:

b-gin [UNTITLED]
{{;5mystyle}} Insert MYSTYLE "delta" into text[cr|lf]{002}{<}
}{<}PRNo file{>}{002}[cr|lf][cr|lf]

The upside to this approach is that you can fetch the style with a
single keystroke, by assigning the chosen framename (MYSTYLE, in the
example) to a key in the KeyBoarD file, thus:


or, the equivalent:


or by issuing MYSTYLE on the CMline. The downside is that,
to edit the saved style, you have to edit _and reLOAD_ U2 every time,
being careful not simply to SAve it (issue HELP LOADHELP for
more about this); it's a bit of a bother. By contrast, FISHOUT.DAT,
being an ordinary XyWrite file, is freely editable and _SAvable_.

Of course, you can always save the style to a permanent Save/Get, but
that consumes memory -- needlessly, as the above alternatives show.

Carl Distefano