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Re: NBWin and U2 routine GetXyOs workaround

Reply to note from "Robert Holmgren"  Thu, 26
Sep 2002 12:21:49 -0400 (replying to Mary Bernard)

> In your case, you'd put the following on a separate line of
> INT:
> ≪SV652,W98≫;*;

Apropos of nothing (except the oddity of it), you could also do

BX d sg652=W98Q2 ;*;

where BX and Q2 are 3-byte functions. You could even do

BX d sg652=w98Q2 ;*; lowercase "w"

That's because command D (or DEFAULT) automatically uppercases input
unless switch /NV is used. But, here, BX d/nv sg652=w98Q2 would be
a no-no: U2 expects an uppercase OS identifier.

A separate line is optional, but it makes the command easier to spot
in a sea of startup code.

Another option, in NB.DFL:


Just text, no funcs BX...Q2. Here, of course, a separate line is

Carl Distefano