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Re: Windows vs. DOS XyWrite

> design of Program Manager). I have tried a couple of other Windows >
applications, but they are so ponderous and slow to use compared with a >
well-customized DOS program that I stick with the latter, and load > Windows
only when I need to write something in Chinese.

  Nathan -- for goodness sake, why torture yourself? I was looking for a
Chinese wordprocessor for a Chinese friend of mine, and found a whole raft of
public domain and shareware ones on the net. They work very well, and there are
OS/2 version, dos versions, and windoz versions. He hasn't tried them all, but
the one he liked the best was called "DC" in English.
Now, if I could just remember the ftp site address. But I'm sure you could find
it with an archie or veronica search. If not, ask me, I'll give him a call and
have him look in the program docs for the address.

Harmon Seaver hseaver@xxxxxxxx

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