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Re: Two handy AutoHotKey scripts


If you don't want your AHK scripts to interfere with XyWrite's kbd
assignments, here's a little script that pauses AHK whenever EDITOR.EXE (or
NotaBene or Tame-Xy) has the focus:

SetTimer, WatchActiveWindow, 100 ; put near top of AHK script
If WinActive("EDITOR.EXE") or WinActive("ahk_class ThunderMDIForm") or
WinActive("ahk_class TameConsoleClass") or WinActive("ahk_class
   Suspend On
  SetNumlockState, Off
else if not GlobalSuspension
   SetNumLockState, AlwaysOff ; change this
   Suspend Off

It's also handy, independent of Xy usage to have a button assigned to
toggle AHK into and out of pause. I use the Pause button, natch:

Pause:: ; Pause button to do the suspend
  Suspend Toggle
  GlobalSuspension:=not GlobalSuspension

 From sunny Florida,

>ot for XyWrite per se, but here are two AutoHotKey scripts that you
>may find globally useful. I assign them to F1 and F2, keys that I
>generally don't use in XyWrite or anywhere else; you can adjust the key
>assignments to taste by editing the script files in XyWrite or another
>text editor.
>Routine 1), SWITCH, allows you to switch focus to any open window by
>typing a fragment of the window title ("fire" for Firefox, etc.); if
>the program isn't already open, SWITCH opens it (assuming that you've
>entered a valid program name). I find this easier than mousing around
>to find a particular window when the desktop is littered with them.
>Routine 2), RUN, opens a Run dialog, like the Windows Run box but
>easily accessible from anywhere via your chosen hotkey. It works as
>you'd expect, with the added feature that entering "c" (no quotes)
>opens a CMD.EXE command-prompt window. (Entering "cmd", of course, does
>the same.)
>These scripts are best loaded at startup. Save them to disk and put
>shortcuts to them in your Startup folder. (Needless to say, AutoHotKey
>must be installed or, at a minimum, AutoHotKey.exe must be in the path.
>It's freeware.)
>If you're running the latest U2, you already have AutoHotKey; copy the
>script files to the directory with EDITOR.EXE and add the following
>lines to STARTUP.INT, somewhere after the line that loads U2 (the
>actual XPL is attached to this message):
>>JM 2.GetPathQ2 >;*;
>+"\SWITCH.AHK">JM 2.ahkQ2 ;*;
>+"\RUN.AHK">JM 2.ahkQ2 ;*;
>Here are the routines (also attached):
>1): "Switch to"
>; ---------------------------------------------------------
>; SWITCH.AHK -- AutoHotKey [CLD rev.4/12/15]
>; Switch to running program by entering window title, or unique
>;  fragment thereof; if program is not already running, Open it
>; ***********************************
>; Key assignment (change as desired):
>; ***********************************
>#SingleInstance force
>DetectHiddenText, On
>DetectHiddenWindows, On
>SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
>Prompt = Enter window title or fragment
>InputBox, WinTitle, Switch to, %Prompt%,,315,175,,,,10
>IfWinExist, i).*%WinTitle%.*
>  WinActivate, i).*%WinTitle%.*
>  Exit
>Run, %WinTitle%
>; ---------------------------------------------------------
>2): Run dialog
>; ---------------------------------------------------------
>; RUN.AHK -- AutoHotKey [CLD rev.4/12/15]
>; Open a Run dialog
>; Entering "C" opens a CoMmanD-prompt window
>; ***********************************
>; Key assignment (change as desired):
>; ***********************************
>#SingleInstance force
>StringCaseSense Off
>Prompt = Enter program name or command ('c'=Command prompt)
>InputBox, WhatToRun, Run, %Prompt%,,475,180,,,,60
>if (WhatToRun = "c")
>  {
>   WhatToRun = %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe
>  }
>Run, %WhatToRun%
>; end RUN.AHK
>; ---------------------------------------------------------
>Carl Distefano