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hyphen conversion

On 7 Feb. 2000 ...

 ... is it possible to copy text into the command line which then might
make the search work?...

I always feel shy about posting my XPL routines, because I so often find
others have less kludgy solutions. But you might try the following when you
want to put an unrecognizable character or string into the command line.

I'm reconstructing this from memory (I'm working on a different computer
from the one where my XyWrite lives), so if it doesn't work that'll be why.

For simplicity, I'm assuming that you've already "defined" the character or
string -- i.e. it's now highlighted on the screen.

≪ and ≫ are guillemets; strings inside {...} are functions (input {xx} by
keying F5 pfunc xx F9).

≪lbfind≫{TF}{BC}se !≪gt01≫!{XC}≪ex≫

If you want to search not from the top of the file but from the place where
you've just defined the character/string you're searching for, omit {TF}.

In real life, I use two versions of this routine: the one above to search
for a defined *string*, and another version -- slightly easier to use -- to
search for a single character. The latter version doesn't require that
anything be pre-defined; it requires only that the cursor be on the
character in question. That single-character version is the same as the
above, except that ≪lbsave≫ begins {DF}{CR}{DF}≪sv01≫...

Eric Van Tassel