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Re: testing for screen fonts and colors and ot:OED.


Further to user-defined screen colors: you may find that the flashing
modes look different in windowed than in full screen mode. On my
machine, for example, the flashing modes do not flash at all in windowed
mode, only in full screen mode. Also, some of the colors are different
in windowed as compared to full screen mode. You just try different
combinations out till they suit you.

For testing after a minor change, go to the command prompt and execute
ldprn *.DFL [xy4] or ldprn *.PRN [xy3].

Don't be alarmed by the PRN suffix; you're only 'printing' to the screen
in this case. It will have no effect on your hardcopy printout (if any).

Once you get the colors as you want them, load the color file
in the startup.int file, as follows:

BX LOAD i:\XY4\Setu2.DFLQ2 FF ;*;? [xy4]


BC ldprn i:\xy3\SCREEN.PRNXC [xy3]

The files I sent you are, as Robert pointed out, examples. You plug your
own meat onto a similar skeleton.

I have the full description of the how-to procedure and the color
definition codes in the xy3 manual as pdf files. If you want them, let
me know off list. They will work for xy4 without modification.