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Windows messages in xwin


 I have been trying to use an external windows program with xywin. The program
has a pop up window that will allow you to locate and insert an address from an
external database (actually the "phonebook" in ECCO PRO 2.0).

 The pop up window works fine, I can select the addressee, but when I click on
insert, nothing happens. I've asked the author of the program what goes on
when you push insert. This is his answer:

 QUESTION: ≫ Using xywrite for windows 4.11, pressing insert does nothing.
The same
 is true for Windows Write. What exactly is the program saying to the active
application at this point. I can see it is not using the clipboard paste
function, like the ECCO shooter. Perhaps a little technical description will
give me a clue how to modify xywin to get it to work. ≪

 ANSWER: ≫ The program is essentially sending the address text via Windows
messages. There are some apps that don't respond to them. Windows Write is one
of them; apparently xywrite is another.≪

 Is this fully true? Can XyWIN be made to accept a "windows text message?" If
so, how?


 - Allan A. Needell, CServe: 71461,1115; Internet: aneedell@xxxxxxxx
  Written 20-Aug-1994 @ 08:01:25