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Re: How to change Label (LB) indicator?

I am wondering whether it is possible to change this very
first character of the label indicator, i. e. the "3" or "n",
respectively. Has anyone ever tried to do so?
I suspect it can be done. The Customization Guide says that you
can replace any command with your own version of it. Or one could
write a U2 routine to accomplish the desired end (mylbl). The
trouble is that the Label command is poorly documented in the Xy4
manuals. Possibly there was more about it in Signature: Making
the Transition? My XPL skills are nowhere near being up to
something like this, but surely someone here could.
In addition, I could swear there is a U2 routine for creating
hidden text notes that is similar to labels, and it was discussed
here not too long (1, 2 years?) ago, but I cannot seem to find
the discussion in my list archives.
Patricia M. Godfrey