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Re: Xy3 - reference manuals

>I've always hoped to lure an old
XyQuester to contribute their digital text copy of the Manual to
the effort, supposing that they retain an archived copy.

That would be the best solution. I think this avenue should be throroughly investigated before doing
any timeconsuming scanning. Dave Erickson has the source code, but I do not know about the
documentation. Obvious limitations apply as to the source code due to N.B., but I do see why N.B.
would want limit the accessibility of old Xy documentation.

If the original documents in digital form are unavailable, we might try to find a sponsor to do the hard work of digitizing the paper documentation. http://www.archive.org/ comes first to my mind.

A sample of my favorite philosopher demonstrates what we could get:

I think we want the complete reference. XyWrite III+ is a computer classic and could be our entry
point to this archive. It is more sellable to sponsors with the right archival frame of mind.

Best regards,

Kari Eveli
LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland)

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