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Re: Switches

Reply to note from Morris Krok  Sat, 03 Nov 2001
09:26:25 -0800

> Tom Hawley's spell program mentions two commands that mystifies me
> as I cannot find them in the XY4 manual. They are BX sa/nvQ2 and
> BX del/nvQ2

They are the familiar SAve and DELete commands, in "No Verify" mode.
Ordinarily those commands pause for user confirmation -- "Filename
already exists--overwrite it? (Y/N)" -- before overwriting an existing
file. (Actually, the DEL command may not, depending on the Error
Prompt setting.) The /NV switch, a v4 addition, allows unprompted
overwriting when desired. (DEL/NV and ERASE/NV are the same as ERNV).

/NV can be used with any command that writes a file: COPY/NV, ST/NV,
SPELL/NV infile (to overwrite any existing SPELL.TMP), SAVERK/NV
filename (to overwrite an existing keystroke-capture file), and so
forth. Used with the ABort command (BX ab/nvQ2), it overrides the
Error Prompt setting that seeks user confirmation before aborting a
file. All ABort operations in "public" XPL programming should be done
with AB/NV, to avoid an unwanted pause on systems where this setting
is enabled.

In other contexts, /NV has other effects. DOS/NV suppresses the
prompt "Suspending XYWRITE--save files to AUTOSAV.TMP files? (Y/N)"
before shelling to DOS. In D/NV MG=My new default message, it enables
case-sensitivity and multiple words in the default PRompt-line

Carl Distefano