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Re: More questions about using a PowerMac

A friend and colleague of mine has been a macophile for years and is
something of a computer maven. He showed me his mac running the emulator
some months ago and it was pretty impressive. The emulator emulates the
intel chip and you can set various parameters as to which intel chip it
emulates; he showed me a window happily running windows (if such a thing
is possible). I didn't get a detailed tour, but he thought that loading
OS/2 onto it would be no big deal. Next week I'll ask him (or have him
show me) about more details. Certainly all the stuff about Xy kbd and
dropping down (up?) to DOS are trivial and will work fine. The I/O stuff
is more interesting but was alleged to work fine. I'll know more next


Swill champagne but sip claret
	--Winston Churchill
"What would life be without arithmetic, but a scene of horrors?"
            -Rev. Sydney Smith, letter to young lady, 22 July 1835

David Auerbach              David Auerbach 
Department of Philosophy & Religion
Box 8103
Raleigh, 27695-8103