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Re: U2 frame

It's hard to keep use/mention levels straight, but I don't think yours does what mine does. What I'm after is changes with wildcards (i.e., varying text). E.g., one frame should change *all* the following in one swell foop:

The father left the son today. ==> The son left the father today.
The master left the slave today. ===> The slave left the master today.
The platoon left the sergeant today. ===> The seargeant left the platoon today.

So it functions like:

CI |The [W] left the [W] today.|The [W] left the [W] today.|

where the wildcards' meanings get reversed. Kinda like going from "The this left the that today" to "The that left the  this today."

My routine SEarches for: |The [W] left [W] today.|, defines it, copies it below itself, defines the two of them, then cleans it up--all using wildcards. It requires a loop, of course to do the search through the whole file.

There might be 16 such changes required in a file, and you don't want to have to do 16 JMs, each specifying different literals.

On Sat, Sep 10, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Carl Distefano mailto:cld@xxxxxxxx wrote:

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger mailto:hb@xxxxxxxx Sat, 10 Sep
2011 18:36:59 -0400


>  How [1] are [2] you?
> I want to end up with:
> How [2] are [1] you?

I'd handle this is with good old XPL parsing (XS operator). Here's a
demo. RUN it against itself. Experiment with different input strings
(S/G 01) and substrings to swap (S/Gs 02 and 03).

b-gin [UNTITLED]
;*; http://SWAP12.PM  [CLD 9/10/11][cr|lf];*; Swap all instances of{032}
two substrings in the input string (demo)[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf];*;
 Usage:[cr|lf];*; With http://SWAP12.PM in current window, command:[
cr|lf];*; RUN http://SWAP12.PM[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf]{<}SV01,How [;
1] are [;2] you and [;2] you and [;1] you?{>};*; Input string
[cr|lf]{<}SV02,[;1]{>};*; Substring 1[cr|lf]{<}SV03,[;2]{>};*
; Substring 2[cr|lf];*;[cr|lf]{<}SV04,{>}{<}SX05,{<}IS01{>}{>
4,{<}IS04{>}+{<}IS06{>}{>}[BF_]Old: {<}GT01{>}[255+048+068]Ne
w: {<}GT04{>}[255+048+068]{<}EX{>}[cr|lf][cr|lf]

Carl Distefano