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Re: Outliner

J R FOX wrote:
scrounge up a copy of PC Outline, which I'm sure still
runs fine under OS/2, although I wouldn't hazard a
guess about later Win-32. Alternately, I suspect
GrandView is probably available for free by now, in
some old software archives on the net.
Yes, I have used GrandView and I have tested PC-Outline but, for me,
XyWrite is like second nature and I would like not to have to think what
key should I press when I am writing a first draft and I need to be
concentrated. I would be delighted with XyWrite basic outlines
capabilities (hide/show text under the headers). By the way: NotaBene
3.1 managed the problem via Styles and DC codes but, Harry, your
tab-based approach is OK for me.
Manuel Castelao