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Re: Need XPL to replace a 1-byte guillement with a 3-byter

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Fri, 23 Sep
2011 23:48:46 -0400

> Doesn't work here. Maybe an email problem as we've had before.
> There's no third slash, but putting that in didn't rectify
> things.

The first char is the red left guillemet, produced by (among other
methods) executing FUNC <<. The second character is the printable
3-byte guillemet (255+65+69 decimal, FF+41+45 hex), which is
produced by (among other methods) holding down the appropriate shift
keys, hitting 1 7 4, then releasing the shift keys. The CI command
will work -- once you add the third separator.

> BTW, I did succeed in putting the 3-byte guillemets on my kbd
> as alt-< and alt->. But of course, on the command line they
> become 1-byte versions. I assume that although BX Q2 doesn't
> actually go to the command line, the effect is the same.

No, it's not. Those 3- to 1-byte transformations only occur on the
CMline, and BX doesn't use the CMline.

If you want to assign 3-byte guillemets to a key in the KBD file,
you've got to use the 5-byte form of the characters:

b-gin [UNTITLED]

Carl Distefano