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Re: Win 7 64 Bit (Metapad)--and more

I don't know why this seemed to come from Kari, but it came from me.


I think Parallels makes a virtual machine app for Windows. I've had very good experience with the for-Mac virtual machine of XP. Jon, >Meanwhile, another disappointment of DOSBox is that it will only open two XY4 files. Open a third one, and you can only switch between the two most recently opened files. That's probably intractable. From what I read, I would suggest that you switch to something more robust. DOSBox is for games, and not for real applications. The complications are not worth your effort, MS Virtual PC with MS-DOS is a viable candidate. Look at this resource for MS-DOS 6.22 in Virtual PC 2007: http://www.ohmancorp.com/RefWin-VirtualPC.asp Read the disclaimers, use at your own risk, and enjoy! Best regards, Kari Eveli LEXITEC Book Publishing (Finland) lexitec@xxxxxxxx *** Lexitec Online *** Lexitec in English: http://www.lexitec.fi/english.html Home page in Finnish: http://www.lexitec.fi/