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Re: XyDOS on large screens

I run XyDos using a new Hewlett Packard OmniBook XE notebook with a new Hewlett Packard 15-inch LCD monitor (HP D5061A) attached and an external keyboard. XyWrite boots up full-screen, BUT very small letters, hard to read. 
Purely by accident I discovered that toggling between the monitor and the notebook screens (Cntrl-Alt-F12) produces full-size, clear Xyletters on a full screen on the monitor. 
I am not a programmer and have no idea why this works as it does, but I think the external keyboard is part of the equation. 
Irene Silverman
PS I agree with Frank H that XyWrite also runs fine in a Win95/98 window.
----- Original Message -----
From: mailto:cld@xxxxxxxx; title=cld@xxxxxxxx>Carl Distefano
Subject: Fwd: XyDOS on large screens

Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 14:55:53 +0200
From: Alan Heubert

I'm about to buy a new notebook computer, and the major companies only
sell  them now with 14.1" screens (unless one wants a small hard drive).
But DOS  programs, including XyWrite, look very grainy in full-screen
mode on a 15"  screen, and, I assume, on 14" ones as well. Can anyone
suggest to me which  of the following solutions might work, or suggest

a) Run XyWrite in a window. This, at least, isn't grainy. But the window
won't fill up the whole screen, which looks a little odd. More
importantly,  does anyone know whether XyWrite runs reliably in a

b) Are there any programs out there that will make DOS programs look
good  in full-screen mode on a larger monitor? A number of years ago
there used  to be a "screen enhancer" called Ultrafont, that came
installed on Toshiba  portables, and which did something similar. But
that program doesn't help  here, and the company that made it doesn't
seem to be around anymore.

c) Switch to XyWin, or to NotaBene.

Thanks a lot for your help.