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Re: Send a keystroke to Xy?


I dl-ed AutoIt and am taking a look at it.
In the meantime, I solved my problem by using "start" (something I'd discovered before but forgot about).

dos/nv/x/z /c cmd /c start fixxy.ahk
actually runs the script using AutoHotkey--and doesn't visibly shell to DOS to do it.
The same command, sans "start" changes the settings for some other window
that flashes by, and when it returns to Xy, the old screen is still there.

Reply to note from Harry Binswanger  Tue, 16 Jun
2015 18:51:11 -0400

> Thanks, I'll give it a harder look.

Brace yourself. While it has much in common with AutoHotkey (AHK
being, essentially, a fork of an earlier version of AutoIt), some
rudimentary tasks that are easy in AHK -- for example, assigning a
script to a hotkey -- are more challenging in AutoIt. (Not for
nothing does AHK have "Hotkey" in its name, while AutoIt doesn't).
OTOH, AutoIt explicitly strives for a BASIC-like syntax (function
parens notwithstanding), so you may find yourself on familiar

> Just remember whom to thank for putting you on the Autohotkey
> (AutoIt) path. :)

Indeed -- though it took you two or three tries to get me interested,
as I recall.

Carl Distefano