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Re: Postscript printing to pdf in Windows

Dear Edward

With XY4 in VdosPlus I use the PDF as a print preview and either print it or abandon it. I never have a reason to save the PDF version of the file. That is always saved as an XY file.


On 28/01/2020 21:57, Edward Mendelson wrote:

Paul, This will get you part of the way there: http://www.columbia.edu/~em36/printfileprinter.html I'll add an option tonight or tomorrow that will automatically open the PDF created by the existing PDF-creating option. Question: when you print a PDF to the screen, do you then want to print/save it? I ask because I can either create a PDF in a temporary folder (after viewing it, you would need to print it, or save it elsewhere if you wanted to keep it) or I can create it on the desktop (or some other arbitrary folder) where it would be easier to keep it. I simply don't know which alternative is preferable.